Monday, January 13, 2014

highly happy and "yes"

The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages
If you are into statistics, you will very much enjoy this book.  The author put much time into providing the reader with a variety of statistical evidence characteristic of  "highly happy" marriages.  I would guess that these statistics define "highly happy" (or content) people in general.  I have to admit, I fast-fwd read through some of the statistics to get to the principles.  The words" highly happy" are repeated through the book.  This book is written in a way that someone without a "churchy" background can pick it up and easily understand some Biblical love principles right out of 1 Corinthians 13.  When I choose to "always hope" or expect the best in my spouse (or anyone) I am happy because I am doing love God's way.  When I keep no record of wrongs and choose to forgive, I may not necessarily feel "highly happy", but I do experience peace.
 Love is patient,
 love is kind.
It does not envy,
does not boast,
 it is not proud.
It does not dishonor others,
it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil
but rejoices with the truth.
 It always protects,
 always trusts,
always hopes,
always perseveres.
Shaunti Feldhahn
Shaunti Feldhahn is the best-selling author of For Women Only and other books with sales of more than two million copies in 22 languages. With a master’s degree from Harvard, Shaunti uses her analytical skills to uncover life-changing surprises about our most important relationships. Her research has been featured on The Today Show, Focus on the Family radio, in Cosmopolitan magazine, and in the New York Times. She and her husband, Jeff, have two children and live in Atlanta.

I received a copy of this book for the purpose of review.


made for MORE.

I watched the first four sessions of the "Restless" dvd

on the same day. 
The 8  Restless dvd segments are inspirational.  It is important to stop, listen and be reminded of God's intentionality and purpose for each life.  Re-evaluate.  We become "restless" for a reason.  I watched the "baby box" and felt just this.  Restlessness must result in action. 
How can I help?
What can I do?
It might start with praying, but it has to result in DOing something.
Jennie Allen discusses through the sessions how God has a purpose for each person.  That purpose begins in the unique way He created you and place He puts you.  (In other words, start right where God has you, with the people right around you.  Love and care for them...and maybe, if you are like me, show them the baby box too :) and ask them to join in and pray about how to help).
Are you RESTless? 
Maybe there is a need for another "baby box"
within your reach. 
Even the little stuff is big when it is done in love.

I received a copy of this dvd for the purpose of review.

Monday, January 6, 2014

the star flowers

I was given these beautiful Star of Bethlehem flowers
(picked out on a grocery run)
before Christmas...

...they sit on my kitchen window (still white)
with the ever timely ☺ reminder
of Isaiah 9:6
For to us a child is born,
 to us a son is given;
and the government shall be upon his shoulder
and his name shall be called
Wonderful Counselor,
Mighty God,
Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace.

take time

This small gift book devotional includes 365 daily thoughts taken from Samuel Brengle's writing on holiness.  Bob Hostetler has edited and pieced together these devotionals in a way to inspire the reader to think on the doctrine of holiness. This is not an easy read, but that is ok :).   It is good to labor in thought all while resting in God's holiness.
Samuel Logan Brengle (1 June 1860–19 May 1936) was a Commissioner in The Salvation Army and a leading author, teacher and preacher on the doctrine of Holiness.
I received a copy of this book for the purpose of review.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

reclaim hope

"we've diagnosed a marriage that has terminal cancer
and treated it as if it were only suffering from a common cold..."
Product Details
This book is divided into three sections. 
1.  Seeing your marriage clearly.
2.  Change begins with you.
3.  Initiating change in your marriage.
Secular "therapy" tells women to leave.  Divorce.  No questions asked.  The church tells women to "stay".  No matter what.  No questions asked.  Author Leslie Vernick writes from a hopeful and honest place where the reality of life and wisdom meet.  In Chapter 7 she discusses CORE strengths that need to be developed. 
The goal is to be Committed to truth and reality
Open to growth, instruction, feedback
Responsible for myself, Respectful toward others
Empathetic and compassionate toward others without enabling them to abuse and disrespect
These goals accomplished with the help of God.
The principles in this book are practical and could be applied to relationships other than marriage.

Leslie Vernick is a licensed clinical social worker and relationship coach.  She has been helping individuals, couples, families heal, rebuild, or grow their relationships.

I received a copy of this book for the purpose of review.

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Women of Christmas

Each"Liz" book I have read has been a joy and encouragement.  This author has a way of bringing to life Biblical characters and truth.  The Women of Christmas focuses on the stories of Elizabeth, Mary and Anna.  I was blessed to read and be reminded of these women's great faith in the midst of difficult circumstances.  How the anticipated coming of the Messiah was for Mary anticipated through an unexpected pregnancy...labor...birth. There is a study guide included in the back.
Be still.
Sing...God IS big.
when you can't understand.

watch this... celebrate JESUS!

The Greatest Gift is on my list of books I need to read.
Screen shot 2013-11-07 at 10.52.56 PM
I received a copy of the Women of Christmas for the purpose of review.

Thursday, October 31, 2013


my girls wanted to make sure I saw these too.